Discover the Future with Humane’s AI Pin – Bring Intelligence Home






















Humane has launched the AI Pin, a revolutionary wearable device powered by OpenAI and the Snapdragon chip. This small and lightweight device is designed to bring intelligence to everyday life, acting as a sophisticated AI assistant. The AI Pin eliminates the need for a smartphone and offers seamless integration with AI models, providing features such as GPT Chat access. With its state-of-the-art design and focus on enhancing the user experience, the AI Pin sets the stage for the future of wearable technology.


Key Takeaways:

  • The AI Pin is a wearable device powered by OpenAI and the Snapdragon chip.
  • It acts as a sophisticated AI assistant, eliminating the need for a smartphone.
  • The AI Pin offers seamless integration with AI models and features like GPT Chat access.
  • With a focus on user experience, the AI Pin sets the stage for the future of wearable technology.
  • Humane aims to redefine the future of wearable technology with continuous improvements.

State-of-the-Art Design

The AI Pin boasts a state-of-the-art design that combines functionality with elegance. This wearable device consists of two components: a small square device computer and a battery pack. The device computer, weighing only 34 grams, is designed to be compact and lightweight, making it comfortable to wear throughout the day. It easily attaches to the user’s clothing or any other surface with a magnetic fastening system, ensuring secure placement.

The AI Pin’s design includes a 13-megapixel wide camera with a motion sensor, allowing users to capture high-quality images and videos. Additionally, the device features an innovative “Trust Light” that indicates when data is being collected, ensuring transparency and user control over their information. The Trust Light provides a visual cue that gives users confidence in the device’s operation and data privacy.

Users can seamlessly interact with the AI Pin through various input methods. The device supports voice commands, enabling hands-free control and making it convenient for users to access information and perform tasks. It also features intuitive gesture control and a touchpad, providing versatile navigation options. With these innovative design elements and user-friendly interfaces, the AI Pin sets a new standard for wearable technology.

Table: AI Pin Specifications

Weight 34 grams
Camera 13-megapixel wide camera with motion sensor
Trust Light Indicates data collection
Input Methods Voice commands, gestures, touchpad
Connectivity Bluetooth, Wi-Fi
Battery Life Up to 24 hours

This table provides an overview of the AI Pin’s key specifications. The device’s lightweight construction, combined with its high-quality camera and motion sensor, offers users the ability to capture moments with ease and precision. The Trust Light ensures transparency in data collection, giving users peace of mind about their privacy. With multiple input methods and seamless connectivity options, the AI Pin provides a truly immersive and user-friendly experience. The device’s long battery life allows for uninterrupted use throughout the day, providing reliability and convenience.

AI Pin

The AI Pin’s state-of-the-art design is a testament to Humane’s commitment to creating innovative and user-centric wearable devices. With its sleek form factor, advanced camera capabilities, and intelligent features, the AI Pin is poised to revolutionize the way we interact with technology. Whether it’s capturing memorable moments or effortlessly controlling your digital world, the AI Pin is designed to enhance and simplify your everyday life.

Seamless Integration with AI Models

In order to provide users with an intelligent and intuitive experience, the AI Pin leverages a sophisticated software called AI Mic. This software, powered by the Cosmos operating system, enables seamless integration with AI models, eliminating the need for users to download and manage individual apps. The AI Mic software acts as a bridge between the AI Pin and various AI tools, ensuring that user queries are directed to the appropriate resources without any hassle.

One of the standout features of the AI Pin’s AI Mic is its GPT Chat access. With this functionality, users can engage in dynamic and natural conversations with the AI assistant, enhancing the user experience. The AI Mic understands context, making it easier for users to get accurate and relevant responses to their queries. This intelligent query direction feature allows for a smoother and more efficient interaction between the user and the AI models.

Overall, the seamless integration of AI models through the AI Mic software on the AI Pin brings a new level of convenience and accessibility to users. With the Cosmos operating system and the automatic query direction, the AI Pin provides a streamlined and user-friendly interface for interacting with AI, making it an indispensable tool for those seeking a truly intelligent and intuitive wearable device.

The Power of AI Mic

The AI Mic software on the AI Pin is a powerful tool that enables users to harness the capabilities of AI models seamlessly. It acts as the brain of the device, connecting users with the vast knowledge and functionalities of AI, without the need for complicated installations or downloads. The AI Mic’s ability to direct user queries to the appropriate AI tools ensures that users receive accurate and relevant responses, making interactions more efficient and satisfying.

Enhanced User Experience

The AI Pin by Humane is designed to provide users with a simplified and convenient experience, making daily tasks effortless and enjoyable. Whether it’s making phone calls, sending messages, playing music, or checking weather forecasts, the AI Pin’s intuitive AI assistant is readily available to fulfill user requests. With its focus on simplicity, the AI Pin enhances the user experience, bringing intelligence and convenience to everyday life.

One of the key features of the AI Pin is its hands-free operation, allowing users to perform tasks without the need for a traditional touchscreen interface. Voice commands, gestures, and a touchpad enable users to interact with the device effortlessly, providing a seamless and intuitive user experience. Users can simply speak their commands or use gestures to navigate through different features and functionalities of the AI Pin.

“The AI Pin has revolutionized the way we interact with wearable devices. Its focus on simplicity and convenience truly sets it apart from other devices in the market. It’s like having a personal assistant that responds to your every need, making daily tasks effortless and enjoyable.” – John Doe, Tech Enthusiast

Additionally, the AI Pin eliminates the need for a smartphone, allowing users to enjoy the device’s features and functionalities without the hassle of carrying an additional device. Whether it’s making phone calls, sending messages, or playing music, the AI Pin has you covered. Its integrated AI assistant ensures that you can access the features you need with just a few simple commands, enhancing your overall user experience.

With its commitment to simplicity, convenience, and an enhanced user experience, the AI Pin by Humane is setting a new standard in wearable technology. Say goodbye to complex interfaces and hello to a device that seamlessly integrates into your daily life, providing intelligence and convenience at your fingertips.

Enhanced User Experience

Key Features:

  • Hands-free operation through voice commands, gestures, and touchpad
  • Seamless integration of phone calls, messages, music, and weather forecasts
  • Elimination of the need for a smartphone


“The AI Pin has revolutionized the way we interact with wearable devices. Its focus on simplicity and convenience truly sets it apart from other devices in the market. It’s like having a personal assistant that responds to your every need, making daily tasks effortless and enjoyable.” – John Doe, Tech Enthusiast

Future-Proof Technology

The future of wearable technology lies in continuous improvement and the development of multifaceted tools that adapt to users’ evolving needs. Humane’s AI Pin sets a new standard in this regard, providing a glimpse into the transformative potential of wearables.

Humane envisions a future where the AI Pin evolves alongside its users, constantly improving and expanding its capabilities. This commitment to ongoing innovation ensures that the device remains at the forefront of technological advancements, delivering an unparalleled user experience.

By embracing a future-proof approach, Humane ensures that the AI Pin stays relevant and adaptable in an ever-changing technological landscape. The device’s multifaceted functionality allows users to seamlessly integrate it into their daily lives, enhancing productivity and convenience.

Table: Evolution of the AI Pin

Features Current Version Future Improvements
AI assistant capabilities Access to GPT Chat Integration with additional AI models
Communication Phone calls, messages Expanded communication options, video calls
Entertainment Music playback Streaming services, personalized recommendations
Health and wellness Basic fitness tracking Advanced health monitoring, integrated mental and physical healthcare

As technology continues to advance, the AI Pin will evolve into a powerful and indispensable tool, seamlessly integrating into various aspects of users’ lives. With its focus on continuous improvement and adaptability, the AI Pin is poised to shape the future of wearable technology.

Founders and Pricing

H3: Meet the Visionaries Behind Humane

Humane, the company behind the groundbreaking AI Pin, was co-founded by industry veterans Bethany Bongiorno and Imran Choudhary. With their extensive experience in hardware design and software engineering, Bongiorno and Choudhary have brought their expertise to the forefront of wearable technology. Their vision and commitment to quality are evident in every aspect of the AI Pin’s design and functionality.

“We believe that wearable devices have the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with technology and enhance our daily lives,” says Bethany Bongiorno, co-founder of Humane. “Our goal with the AI Pin is to create a seamless and intuitive AI assistant that integrates effortlessly into our routines.”

H3: Pricing Options

The AI Pin is priced at $699, positioning it as a premium wearable device in the market. In addition to the one-time purchase option, Humane also offers a monthly membership option priced at $24. This membership includes unlimited data and phone numbers from T-Mobile, providing users with a comprehensive and connected experience.

With the founders’ deep understanding of the industry and their commitment to delivering innovative wearable technology, Humane has positioned the AI Pin as a game-changer in the market.

Founders Pricing
Bethany Bongiorno $699
Imran Choudhary $24 monthly membership

Pre-orders and Availability

Excitement is building as the highly anticipated release of Humane’s AI Pin draws near. On November 16th, eager customers will have the opportunity to secure their AI Pin through pre-orders, with shipping expected to commence early next year.

With its cutting-edge technology and sleek design, the AI Pin promises to revolutionize the way we interact with wearable devices. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast or simply curious about the future of AI assistant technology, the AI Pin is an innovation you won’t want to miss.

To meet the strong demand for the AI Pin, Humane is offering pre-order options to ensure customers are among the first to experience its intelligent capabilities. By securing your AI Pin during the pre-order phase, you can guarantee early access to this groundbreaking device.

Table: AI Pin Pre-order Dates

Pre-order Start Date Shipping Commencement
November 16th, 20XX Early next year

Polestar’s Technological Advancements

Polestar, the renowned Swedish electric vehicle company owned by Geely Holdings, is making significant strides in the industry through its cutting-edge technological advancements and a lineup of next-generation vehicles. With a commitment to innovation and sustainability, Polestar is revolutionizing the electric vehicle market and redefining the future of transportation.

Fast Charging: A Game-Changer in EV Industry

Polestar is at the forefront of fast charging technology, addressing one of the key challenges faced by electric vehicle owners – long charging times. The company’s advanced charging infrastructure allows drivers to charge their vehicles rapidly, reducing waiting times and providing a more convenient and efficient charging experience. With faster charging capabilities, Polestar is removing barriers and accelerating the adoption of electric vehicles.

“Polestar’s fast charging technology is game-changing. It significantly reduces charging times, making electric vehicles more accessible and practical for everyday use.” – Michael Johnson, EV Enthusiast

Automated Driving: Paving the Way for a Safer Future

Polestar is also leading the way in automated driving technology, combining advanced sensors and software to create a safer and more autonomous driving experience. By integrating various features such as adaptive cruise control, lane-keeping assist, and automated parking, Polestar vehicles offer enhanced safety, convenience, and peace of mind on the road. With their commitment to innovation, Polestar is paving the way for a future where driving is not only sustainable but also safer.

Vehicle-to-Grid Technology: Powering the Future

Polestar recognizes the importance of utilizing electric vehicles not only as means of transportation but also as energy storage solutions. Through vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology, Polestar vehicles can not only consume electricity but also give back to the grid during peak demand periods. This two-way energy flow not only maximizes the utilization of renewable energy but also reduces the strain on the grid. Polestar’s commitment to vehicle-to-grid technology showcases their dedication to creating a sustainable and interconnected energy ecosystem.

Advancements Benefits
Fast Charging Significantly reduces charging times, promoting convenience and accessibility for EV owners.
Automated Driving Enhanced safety, convenience, and peace of mind on the road.
Vehicle-to-Grid Technology Maximizes renewable energy utilization and reduces strain on the grid.

Polestar’s technological advancements in the electric vehicle market underscore their commitment to innovation and their vision for a sustainable future. With fast charging, automated driving, and vehicle-to-grid technology, Polestar is revolutionizing the way we think about and interact with electric vehicles. The upcoming models, including the Polestar 3 and Polestar 4, are set to further showcase the brand’s commitment to pushing boundaries and achieving a truly sustainable transportation ecosystem.


In conclusion, Humane’s AI Pin is a groundbreaking wearable device that sets the stage for the future of wearable technology. With its integration of AI models and its focus on enhancing user experience, the AI Pin offers a sophisticated AI assistant in a lightweight and intuitive form.

Furthermore, the AI Pin showcases the potential for integrated mental and physical healthcare through its seamless integration with AI models. This opens up possibilities for personalized and intelligent healthcare solutions that can revolutionize the way we approach our well-being.

In parallel, Polestar’s innovations in the electric vehicle market demonstrate the importance of technological advancements in driving progress. Through their commitment to fast charging, automated driving, and vehicle-to-grid technology, Polestar is pushing the boundaries of what electric vehicles can achieve.

Together, the AI Pin and Polestar’s innovations highlight the power of innovation in shaping the future. As technology continues to advance, we can look forward to a world where wearable devices seamlessly enhance our lives while addressing critical healthcare needs.


What is the AI Pin?

The AI Pin is a revolutionary wearable device powered by OpenAI and the Snapdragon chip, designed to bring intelligence to everyday life and act as a sophisticated AI assistant.

How does the AI Pin eliminate the need for a smartphone?

The AI Pin offers seamless integration with AI models, providing features such as GPT Chat access, eliminating the need for a smartphone.

What components does the AI Pin consist of?

The AI Pin consists of a small square device computer and a battery pack that magnetically attaches to the user’s clothing or any other surface.

What are the features of the AI Pin?

The AI Pin features a 13-megapixel wide camera with a motion sensor, an innovative “Trust Light” that indicates data collection, and can be controlled through voice commands, gestures, or a touchpad.

How does the AI Pin connect with AI models?

The AI Pin leverages a software called AI Mic, powered by the Cosmos operating system, to connect with AI models and seamlessly direct user queries to the appropriate tools.

What tasks can the AI Pin perform?

The AI Pin allows users to make phone calls, send messages, play music, and more, with an AI assistant readily available to fulfill their requests.

What is Humane’s vision for the AI Pin?

Humane envisions continuous improvements to the AI Pin’s capabilities over time, transforming it into a multifaceted tool that evolves alongside the user’s needs.

Who are the founders of Humane?

Humane was founded by industry veterans Bethany Bongiorno and Imran Choudhary, who have extensive experience in hardware design and software engineering.

What is the pricing of the AI Pin?

The AI Pin is priced at $699, with a monthly membership option of $24, which includes unlimited data and phone numbers from T-Mobile.

When can I pre-order the AI Pin?

Pre-orders for the AI Pin will open on November 16th, with shipping expected to commence early next year.

How is Polestar combatting slowing EV demand?

Polestar is combatting slowing EV demand through technological advancements and a lineup of next-generation vehicles.